With the monthly average ticket indicator you will get information such as average occupancy, number of guests staying per month, average ticket/guest, average ticket accommodation/guest, average consumption ticket/guest and average daily rates/guest.


To generate the report go to Property > Reports > Monthly Average Ticket, define the desired month, and click Process.



See the calculation rule for each column:


  • Occupancy = number of beds sold in the period (only for reservations with check-in and check out status and considers volunteers) / Maximum capacity of the month

  • Guests = total guests in the month

  • Average Ticket/Guest = total reservation (only for reservations with check-in and check out status) / (total number of guests excluding volunteers)

  • Average Ticket Accommodation/Guest = total accommodation with discount (only for reservations with check-in and check out status) / (total of guests excluding volunteers)

  • Average ticket Consumption/Guest = total consumption (only for reservations with check-in and check out status) / (total of guests excluding volunteers)

  • Average daily/Guest = number of nights sold (only for reservations with check-in and check out status and does not consider volunteer reservations) / (total of guests excluding volunteers)


Tip: To identify the total values of the booking, accomodation with discount and consummation that are being used, use the Booking Report in Bookings > Reports > Bookings.


In case of reservations that start in one month and check out is in another month, it will be calculated proportionally. For example:


Reservation Check-in 11/30 and check out 12/4 (5 nights) total $ 2000.00, the result of the December average ticket for this reservation will be calculated as follows:


total booking accommodation / total booking nights * total daily proportional to month