Hqbookings is the booking engine for hqbeds. It can be part of your website and social networks and will receive direct reservations from your guests, without intermediaries or commissioning to third parties.


All configuration of the booking engine is done through your hqbeds and takes no more than 15 minutes to finish.



Basic settings


Go to Property > Setup > hqbookings > Main info tab and fill in your general information, such as Reservation Nights Limit in the engine, reservation max guests limit, limit of months available in the booking engine, inclusion of the property logo, apply a color to personalize your engine and activate the language versions of the engine, hqbookings is available in PortugueseEnglish and Spanish. Don't forget to save the settings at the bottom of the screen.



In Other Configuration > Manage Variables register your terms and conditions, a brief description of the hostel, check-in details and your cancellation policy.


Register your variables in the available languages.





Add a main photo, as if it were a profile photo, in Other Configuration > Manage Gallery.


Still in the Main info, go to the Payment Methods section, define the percentage of advance deposit to confirm the reservation and available payment methods. Enter your bank or digital wallet details (such as PayPal) in Register informations about Deposit Bank Information.





The hqbookings will not make any changes automatically, it will send to the guest (when depositing) or to you (when charging by credit card) the data for the payment to be made.


In Web in the Javascript Code field use to inform the Google Analytics tracking code so that Google monitors visits to your engine.



In the Facebook Pixel Code field, fill in the basic pixel code, so that Facebook can analyze the effectiveness of the ads, and understand the actions your audience takes on the booking engine.


Room configurations


Now go to the Rooms tab and check the rooms you want to have assets. Breakfast may or may not be included in the daily rate (and you can add it as an optional item in the hqbookings 'Dutes, Discounts and offers' tab) set in the Board type field.



In Translation register the room name in both languages



In Gallery upload the photos of the rooms.



In Amenities customize with the types of services that the accommodation offers.



Sales Base allows you to set different rates according to the number of guests booking the private rooms - or, if you prefer, leave this option blank and always sell the room at the full price taking into account its maximum capacity.



You are ready! Your booking engine is set up and ready to be added to your website and social networks. Go back to the hqbookings tab, access the hqbookings Public URL and make a test reservation. A confirmation email will be sent to the hostel and the guest.


Generate a widget on the hqbookings Widget tab or provide the hqbookings Public URL to your site administrator and follow this step by step to add a booking button to your Facebook.