Pre-reservations block the availability of selected beds for a specified period and are automatically canceled when it ends. It is ideal for reservations that will only be confirmed upon payment, for example.


Make a new reservation through the Occupancy map or Block Reservation, check the Pre-booking option, and set the Expire date.



You can also convert a confirmed reservation to a pre-booking by clicking Pre-booking on the individual booking screen.



A pre-booking can be approved or canceled.



Click on Approve pre-booking in the popup or individual booking screen and you're done - now it's a confirmed booking and has won the status of Open reservation, in yellow.


Click on Cancel Booking in the individual reservation screen for manual cancellation. Pre-reservations will be automatically canceled as soon as the due date expires.


Pre-bookings are red and are listed in the Pre-bookings expiring soon field on your dashboard.




You can also filter them in Bookings > Report > Bookings.


Register emails for new pre-bookings and cancellations and let our bot automatically send them to you. Learn more here.